Monday, March 5, 2018

Cutting Edge: De Novo Glucocorticoid Synthesis by Thymic Epithelial Cells Regulates Antigen-Specific Thymocyte Selection [CUTTING EDGE]

Glucocorticoid (GC) signaling in thymocytes counters negative selection and promotes the generation of a self-tolerant yet Ag-responsive T cell repertoire. Whereas circulating GC are derived from the adrenals, GC are also synthesized de novo in the thymus. The significance of this local production is unknown. In this study we deleted 11β-hydroxylase, the enzyme that catalyzes the last step of GC biosynthesis, in thymic epithelial cells (TEC) or thymocytes. Like GC receptor–deficient T cells, T cells from mice lacking TEC-derived but not thymocyte-derived GC proliferated poorly to alloantigen, had a reduced antiviral response, and exhibited enhanced negative selection. Strikingly, basal expression of GC-responsive genes in thymocytes from mice lacking TEC-derived GC was reduced to the same degree as in GC receptor–deficient thymocytes, indicating that at steady-state the majority of biologically active GC are paracrine in origin. These findings demonstrate the importance of extra-adrenal GC even in the presence of circulating adrenal-derived GC.

from The Journal of Immunology current issue


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