Friday, November 30, 2018

FOX NEWS: Girl writes letter to Santa, asks for kidney on behalf of sick brother

Girl writes letter to Santa, asks for kidney on behalf of sick brother

Hoping for a Christmas miracle.

FOX NEWS: 5 middle-school students hospitalized after eating THC-laced candies during gym

5 middle-school students hospitalized after eating THC-laced candies during gym

The Polk County Sheriff’s Office said the candies were brought to school by a 12-year-old 7th-grader.

FOX NEWS: EMT saves partner’s life after he suffers a stroke at the wheel: 'It's a true miracle'

EMT saves partner’s life after he suffers a stroke at the wheel: 'It's a true miracle'

FOX NEWS: UK mom dies from blood clot following breast surgery and tummy tuck

UK mom dies from blood clot following breast surgery and tummy tuck

Louise Harvey, 36, booked the procedures after feeling self-conscious ever since the birth of her third child.

FOX NEWS: Two arrested in Florida for running illegal dentist office

Two arrested in Florida for running illegal dentist office

Raw video: Daniela Sulbaran Gonzalez, Victor Bernal are now in custody and have been charged with practicing dentistry without a license.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

FOX NEWS: New York hospitals to repay survivors charged up to $3,000 for forensic rape exams, AG says

New York hospitals to repay survivors charged up to $3,000 for forensic rape exams, AG says

Six New York hospitals have agreed to repay sexual assault victims who were illegally charged as much as $3,000 for rape examinations that should've been billed to the state or their insurers, Attorney General Barbara Underwood said Thursday.

FOX NEWS: Pregnant mom with leukemia finds donor match

Pregnant mom with leukemia finds donor match

Susie Rabaca matches with bone marrow donor after public plea for help; Trace Gallagher reports.

FOX NEWS: Life expectancy in America drops

Life expectancy in America drops

The latest data show U.S. life expectancy has declined over the past few years; federal health officials say drug overdose and suicide are the major factors driving this trend.

FOX NEWS: Police officer delivered baby on side of busy highway: ‘She showed up like an angel’

Police officer delivered baby on side of busy highway: ‘She showed up like an angel’

A Tennessee police officer is getting her “angel” wings after helping a mom in a “scary” situation deliver her baby on the side of a busy highway west of Nashville.

FOX NEWS: Face transplant recipient shows remarkable progress 11 months after surgery

Face transplant recipient shows remarkable progress 11 months after surgery

More than two years after Cameron Underwood attempted to end his life, the 26-year-old has gotten a second chance.

FOX NEWS: British politician reveals he has been HIV positive for 10 years in emotional statement to parliament

British politician reveals he has been HIV positive for 10 years in emotional statement to parliament

Lloyd Russell Moyle, 32, was given a standing ovation in the House of Commons after he revealed he has been HIV positive for 10 years.

FOX NEWS: Face transplant recipient shows remarkable progress

Face transplant recipient shows remarkable progress

Nearly 11 months after having a 25-hour face transplant operation, 26-year-old Cameron Underwood from California has made unbelievable progress.

FOX NEWS: Ohio nurse who lied about terminal cancer diagnosis gets prison time

Ohio nurse who lied about terminal cancer diagnosis gets prison time

A nurse in Ohio who lied to her friends and coworkers about a terminal lung cancer diagnosis, receiving paid leave and thousands of dollars in cash and gifts in response is going to prison.

FOX NEWS: Woman’s allergic reaction to hair dye causes head to swell to massive size: 'I almost died'

Woman’s allergic reaction to hair dye causes head to swell to massive size: 'I almost died'

A French woman said she had a “light bulb head” after suffering a near-fatal allergic reaction to a chemical that is often found in darker-colored hair dyes.

FOX NEWS: Overdoses, suicides push down US life expectancy

Overdoses, suicides push down US life expectancy

Suicides and drug overdoses pushed up U.S. deaths last year, and drove a continuing decline in how long Americans are expected to live.

FOX NEWS: Mom battling cancer while pregnant with twins finds bone marrow donor match

Mom battling cancer while pregnant with twins finds bone marrow donor match

A pregnant mother whose search for a bone marrow donor went viral last week has found her match, after her story reportedly inspired 40,000 people to register with

FOX NEWS: Pregnant mother diagnosed with leukemia

Pregnant mother diagnosed with leukemia

A California mother of three is now expecting twins while also searching for her match for a bone marrow transplant after being diagnosed with leukemia.

It Looked Like a Beer Belly. It Turned Out He Had a 77-Pound Tumor.


You Don’t Want French Fries With That


FOX NEWS: Amazon creates software that can mine your medical records

Amazon creates software that can mine your medical records

Is this a good idea? Dr. Nicole Saphier reacts.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

FOX NEWS: Melania Trump calls opioid epidemic 'worst drug crisis in American history'

Melania Trump calls opioid epidemic 'worst drug crisis in American history'

First lady Melania Trump called the opioid epidemic the "worst drug crisis in American history" during a town hall meeting with students at Liberty University on Wednesday. 

FOX NEWS: France to reimburse citizens for condoms in an effort to prevent STDs

France to reimburse citizens for condoms in an effort to prevent STDs

France’s Minister of Health, Agnes Buzyn, announced Tuesday citizens can be reimbursed for Eden-brand condoms, which can be purchased after receiving a prescription from a doctor or a midwife.

FOX NEWS: Protests after nurse allegedly fired for refusing flu shot

Protests after nurse allegedly fired for refusing flu shot

Group of protesters demonstrate outside Mercy Hospital South in St. Louis over the hospital's policy that requires employees to receive a flu shot, claiming at least one nurse was fired after she refused to be vaccinated over religious reasons.

FOX NEWS: Man's split-second decision leads to life-saving kidney transplant: ‘All this is was God’

Man's split-second decision leads to life-saving kidney transplant: ‘All this is was God’

Bill Casselman, 58, of Kansas City, Mo., has been waiting for a donor kidney to arrive for nearly four years, and after receiving dialysis for eight hours every day, the news came as a bit of a shock.

FOX NEWS: Missouri nurse fired for refusing flu shot over religious beliefs, protesters claim

Missouri nurse fired for refusing flu shot over religious beliefs, protesters claim

A group of protesters gathered outside of Mercy Hospital South in St. Louis Monday to protest the hospital’s policy that requires employees to receive a flu shot -- claiming at least one employee at the facility -- a nurse -- was fired after she refused to be vaccinated on religious grounds.

FOX NEWS: ‘Rhino’ sex enhancement pills can cause prolonged erections, FDA warns

‘Rhino’ sex enhancement pills can cause prolonged erections, FDA warns

The Food and Drug Administration has issued a warning about a black-market male enhancement pill that causes prolonged erections.

FOX NEWS: Boy, 8, wakes from coma after fall from cliff

Boy, 8, wakes from coma after fall from cliff

An 8-year-old in Minnesota has woken from a medically-induced coma to begin his years=long road to recovery after he fell 15 feet from a cliff during a family hike at Taylors Falls.

FOX NEWS: 8-year-old boy wakes from coma after fall from cliff

8-year-old boy wakes from coma after fall from cliff

Family of little Minnesota boy excited when he woke after two weeks in a medically-induced coma following a fall from a cliff but knows there is a long road of recovery ahead.

FOX NEWS: Hawaii hospital hit with highly contagious scabies outbreak

Hawaii hospital hit with highly contagious scabies outbreak

An itchy problem is affecting a Big Island hospital in Hawaii: scabies.

FOX NEWS: Chronic wasting disease spreads in Wisconsin: Should humans be concerned?

Chronic wasting disease spreads in Wisconsin: Should humans be concerned?

Hunters love the thrill of the chase in Wisconsin, but with more deer being infected by chronic wasting disease, should they consider backing off?

FOX NEWS: Mom donates lifesaving kidney to son after snowboarding fall leads to shock diagnosis

Mom donates lifesaving kidney to son after snowboarding fall leads to shock diagnosis

After 10 months of medical ups and downs, a 21-year-old man is on his way to recovery thanks to a life-saving organ donation from his mom.

FOX NEWS: Dr. Oz explains how to identify which lettuce is safe to eat

Dr. Oz explains how to identify which lettuce is safe to eat

FDA announces it is safe to eat some romaine lettuce again; Dr. Mehmet Oz reveals what to look for at the grocery store on 'Fox & Friends.'

FOX NEWS: Chinese researcher claims second pregnancy with gene-edited baby is underway

Chinese researcher claims second pregnancy with gene-edited baby is underway

A Chinese scientist who claims he helped make the world's first gene-edited babies said Wednesday that a second pregnancy is underway amid increasing worry from leading scientists who question the experiment’s ethics.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

FOX NEWS: Sugary drinks pose greater diabetes risk than other fructose-containing foods, study says

Sugary drinks pose greater diabetes risk than other fructose-containing foods, study says

Drinking sweetened drinks -- like soda -- could increase your chance of developing a certain type of diabetes more than other fructose-containing foods, a recent study concluded.

FOX NEWS: 2 premature babies with bacterial infection die at NJ hospital

2 premature babies with bacterial infection die at NJ hospital

New Jersey officials say two premature infants with a bacterial infection have died.

Juul’s New Product: Less Nicotine, More Intense Vapor


Battle Against Ebola in Congo Pits Medical Hope Against Local Chaos

By DONALD G. McNEIL Jr. from NYT Health

FOX NEWS: FDA finds traces of heavy metals in kratom products

FDA finds traces of heavy metals in kratom products

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration said on Tuesday it had found high levels of heavy metals such as lead and nickel in some kratom products, following field investigations.

FOX NEWS: Mold in dorms: What should colleges do to protect students

Mold in dorms: What should colleges do to protect students

It’s every college’s worst nightmare: mold.

FOX NEWS: South Dakota reports first flu death of season

South Dakota reports first flu death of season

A resident in Pennington County has become South Dakota’s first flu death of this year’s season, the state’s department of health announced Monday.

FOX NEWS: Man suffers third-degree burns after vape pen explodes in pocket

Man suffers third-degree burns after vape pen explodes in pocket

A Florida man underwent surgery Monday after his vape pen exploded in his pants causing second- and third-degree burns on his legs.

FOX NEWS: Belgium investigates doctors who euthanized autistic woman

Belgium investigates doctors who euthanized autistic woman

Belgian officials are investigating whether doctors improperly euthanized a woman with autism, the first criminal investigation in a euthanasia case since the practice was legalized in 2002 in the European nation.

FOX NEWS: Autism rate now 1 in 40 US kids, study finds

Autism rate now 1 in 40 US kids, study finds

How many American children have autism?

FOX NEWS: NICU nurses donate Mega Millions winnings to colleagues in need

NICU nurses donate Mega Millions winnings to colleagues in need

A group of 126 NICU nurses in Missouri whose office pool struck it lucky in the Mega Millions decided to club their winnings together and use it for the greater good.

FOX NEWS: Man's 'beer belly' was actually 77-pound tumor

Man's 'beer belly' was actually 77-pound tumor

A California man who for years heard friends tease him about his “beer belly” even though he didn’t drink is now more than a 100 pounds lighter after discovering over the summer that the extra weight was actually a massive cancerous tumor.

FOX NEWS: Cases of mysterious polio-like illness highest in US since 2016, causing concern

Cases of mysterious polio-like illness highest in US since 2016, causing concern

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have confirmed 116 cases of a rare, polio-like condition so far this year, making it the highest amount the U.S. has seen since 2016.

FOX NEWS: First gene-edited babies reportedly born in China

First gene-edited babies reportedly born in China

Chinese researcher claims to have altered babies' DNA; Dr. Nicole Saphier addresses the ethics debate surrounding the practice.

Monday, November 26, 2018

FOX NEWS: More adenovirus cases revealed by University of Maryland following freshman's death

More adenovirus cases revealed by University of Maryland following freshman's death

Three more students at the University of Maryland have become sickened by the Adenovirus — less than a week after the school announced one student died from a deadly strain of the virus.

FOX NEWS: Some romaine lettuce safe to eat again, FDA says

Some romaine lettuce safe to eat again, FDA says

It's now safe to eat some romaine lettuce, the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) announced on Monday.

Only Romaine From Central and Northern California Is Unsafe, F.D.A. Says